At this current moment, I do not own a pair of heels. 

Oh Emm Gee?!---
...waiting for more exasperated expressions...

And now my explanation.

I realize every girl needs a pair of heels to feel confident, not like a midget, and like a classy stripper. I did once. Only the thing is when I left the country, my dear mother threw all of them out. 

This action, I've been told, was done out of the goodness of her heart and devout love. (I broke my ankle a couple of times.) Of course, in finding this out, I was furious. More than furious. 

But what could I do? I'm broke and shoe-less. I can't possibly depend on Prince Charming getting back to me with a slipper since I no longer have the other half. Plus, in this recession, he's probably bankrupt, so a journey to get to me is only a fairy tale.

On a lighter note, I'm an artist. Hence, I'm already creative. I will make my own shoes... Probably not. However, I can be creative enough to find awesome shoes for a good deal. 

An epic heel search journey awaits. 

And will be documented!
10/27/2011 11:47:25 am

heels are the bane of my existence! they cause discomfort, darling!!! but if you really, really want them. I'll get you a pair.


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